These are offered during the months of June and July, in Spanish, and at no cost. In our business incubator, we offer Hispanic women who want to develop a business in Georgia, the opportunity to educate themselves and put that business idea they have always dreamed of into action. This business course, based on a nationally recognized curriculum, where professors, economists, and business experts will provide them with the necessary tools on planning, marketing, digital strategy, finance, operations, incorporations, and licensing.

  • ECLAC member States adopted the Regional Gender Agenda which constitutes a progressive, innovative, and forward-looking road map to guarantee the rights of women in all their diversity and to promote gender equality.
  • The public instruments to support entrepreneurship in Latin America are heterogeneous and characterized by distinct paths and progresses.
  • Action should be taken to prevent digital transformation from worsening existing gender inequalities in the labor market.
  • Unfortunately, the impact of COVID-19 — which has had a particularly devastating toll on people of color — threatens to reverse this trend and widen educational and economic inequality in this country.
  • TheDominican Republicrejected a proposal todecriminalize abortionwhen a pregnancy is life-threatening to the mother, unviable or the result of rape or incest.

The study found that participants in public programs had increases in sales, production per worker, wages, and employment in their companies. At the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing , the platform for action with respect to women’s equality and empowerment was defined. It changed the legal frameworks and created institutions oriented to develop and promote gender equality in several countries. A fundamental aspect for business development is access to financing, which can influence the success of new and growing women-owned businesses . In the financial system, the role of institutions is to capture resources from family savings and then, through credit, allocate them to investment projects and business and family initiatives. In this sense, the financial system is related to the economic progress of developing countries because it stimulates savings, capital accumulation, and a better allocation of resources or productive efficiency . Concerning female work activity in Latin America, the percentage of women who own a business is 2.8%, which represents less than half the percentage of male business owners .

The pandemic only heightened the frequency of abuse, because women were forced to share the same space with their aggressors for long periods. We are determined to advance the education and quality of life for Latinos in the Charlotte Region. Through scholarships and college and career readiness programs, we provide a leg up to local families. The first successful legal action occurred in 2006, afterWomen’s Link Worldwidefiled apetitionwith the Colombian Constitutional Court arguing that the criminal law that classified abortion as a crime under any circumstances should be found unconstitutional. In response, the court decriminalized abortion in cases of rape, nonviable pregnancy and when the life or health of the pregnant woman is in danger. These scarves became a resistance symbol, inspired by theGrandmothers of the Plaza de Mayoin Argentina, who wore white scarves to call attention to the government’s abduction and murder of their loved ones during that country’s last dictatorship, from 1976 to 1983. The use of green scarves in women’s rights mobilizations soon spread in Latin America and elsewhere.

Women’s networks provide various services (meetings, forums, seminars, events, discussions, etc.), training, workshops, and personalized advice. They connect their partners with other professionals and influence the policies and laws to reduce the gender gap within the business and economic system. Networks also maintain a sense of partnering and interconnection and democratically manage the commitments and networks (Corporación Santiago Innova, n.d.).

Political and economic transitions influenced the development of feminist ideas. Activism became institutionalized and the feminist movement grew in various directions. As the 90s came to a close, what started out as a spontaneous social movement with radical ideas about patriarchy, militarism, and democratization found its way into the halls of institutions and organizations that stifled feminist activism. The institutionalization of feminism was so profound that its political promise seemed lost. Institutionalization was not without critique, and the early 2000s marked the emergence of new voices that took liberal dominant feminisms to task by focusing on anti-neoliberal and decolonial critique which began to call out the hegemonic practices of Latin American feminisms. In relation to violence, no data have been found about the relationship between violence and women entrepreneurs.

Other studies specify that it is insufficient to review only individual aspects to explain entrepreneurship, and we need to understand the problems influenced by the environment rather than by individual aspects. Aldrich, Rosen, and Woodward state that social structures affect the entrance of women into the business sector. Business environment factors can be economic, financial, legal, political, and sociocultural, and these are beyond the company’s control . The extent to which these structural dimensions affect women entrepreneurs depends on cultural norms in a given society .

On the Inconvenience of Other People

In addition to visibility, establishing a clear legal framework for reporting and prosecuting femicide is important to combatting the femicide epidemic. Legally distinguishing femicide from homicide allows for investigations to be conducted with a gender-based lens and for perpetrators of femicide to face distinct punishments. Nearly 1 in 10 (8.7%) Latinas working 27 hours or more a week are living below the poverty line – almost twice the rate of non-Hispanic white women (4.5%). At the same time, among all Latinos, poverty has declined markedly but it still remains high at 15.7%. The story is the same for Latino families headed by a single mom – the poverty rate today is half of what it was in the early 1980s, yet this rate (28.7%) still remains among the highest experienced by any major racial or ethnic group.

Abortion deserts: America’s new geography of access to care – mapped

The philosophical work that remains to be done requires engagement with their ideas. Several studies affirm that there is an intimate relationship between elements of the political context and entrepreneurship (Reference Murdock Murdock 2012; Reference Kim and Li Kim and Li 2014; Reference Weeks and Seiler Weeks and Seiler 2001) which can strongly influence genders .

However, there are alarming figures in some countries of the region and it might be assumed that violence also affects women entrepreneurs and their leadership. Further studies on gender-based violence are recommended to measure the impact that this could have on women entrepreneurs. In regard to associations, women entrepreneurs are at a disadvantage compared to their male counterparts, since they have less access to associations, information sources, and business formalization. While women do not have lesser entrepreneurial skills than men, they do have less chance of getting the necessary training to develop their companies. In addition, it should be noted that networks structure are different for men and women; women have small networks and these are mainly homogeneous social and family relationships .

Young people took leadership in the streets, with the patient support of the “pioneers” from older generations. New language became common sense, using gender-neutral terms in the highly gendered Spanish language, and specifically speaking of gestating persons, thanks to the struggle of non-binary people and trans men. The movement combined parliamentary lobbying with the autonomous practices of self-organized underground networks that had made abortion possible for many every year with massive and heterogeneous mobilizations in the street. Simultaneously, the Peruvian government is implementing long-term policies to break the cycle of violence for children who fall victim to domestic violence. Programs include aspecial unitthat protects the rights of children orphaned by the murder of their mother, or for survivors that were disabled by the act of violence against them.

With the 2016 creation of thenational plan against gender-based violence, the Peruvian government publicly acknowledged the epidemic and placed it as a government priority for years to come. Several agencies with specialized task forces now work toward femicide reduction and prosecuting the abusers,includingemergency centers for women, a hotline for victims of violence against women, and the Specialized Police Squad for Prevention Against Domestic Violence.

But their form of feminism, such as it is, represents an “evolution” from the writing of the last century, said Alemany Bay. But these stories have more in common than uncanny coincidence and bumps in the night, says Alemany Bay. The “narrative of the unusual” often is socially conscious, explores womanhood in intimate and unconventional ways, and challenges the nature of our closest personal relationships, she said. Depictions of normal life aren’t intended to heighten the effect of the fantastic or supernatural; instead, the unreal is used to sharpen readers’ view of what’s true. Program offers microloans to start or expand your business from $500 to $5000 at a 5% interest rate.